Fitness Friday 303: The Hour of Power Total Body Workout

Build strength and power from head to toe with this Hour of Power Total Body Workout || Eat Spin Run Repeat

What?! A Friday post. Yep, this is real life. I know it’s been a couple of weeks since the last Fitness Friday, and I apologize for that. These August weekends are slipping away far faster than I’d like, and BOOM – now it’s September! This has been one very rough week for the blog in […]

Fitness Friday 281: The You Against the Clock Workout

Fitness Friday - Eat Spin Run Repeat

Hello! Who’s ready for the weeeekend (or long weekend, for all my fellow BC friends)? Moi, that’s who. It’s been a pretty great week for many reasons, although snowpocalypse was not one of them. I wrapped up a big reporting project at work, hit my weekly self-imposed bed time (which I take very seriously) every […]

Fitness Friday 269: The Sweat for 6 Circuit Workout

Fitness Friday - Eat Spin Run Repeat

FriiiiiiiiiiiiiiYAY! It’s a long weekend here in BC, and I’m feeling especially grateful for it today. It’s been quite the week, hasn’t it? As I’m sure is the case for most of us, it feels like everything in social media feeds over the past couple of days has been political in nature. I’m very much […]

Fitness Friday 268: The 4x4x4 Kettlebell Workout

Fitness Friday - Eat Spin Run Repeat

Phew. Hello Friday, am I ever glad to see you. I was walking out of work with one of my coworkers the other day and with a loud sigh, said “wow, what a week”. As the words left my mouth, I had the sad realization that it was in fact only Tuesday, and that we still had […]